Microsoft Windows 7, Vista Issues
Below are the known issues when running COLUMBUS on Windows 7, Vista. If you notice any others, please contact us with additional information.
1. Default File Creation Privileges
Windows 7, Vista enforces somewhat different default file creation (write) privileges in the Program Files subfolders (the location where most applications are installed).
After you install COLUMBUS, do the following:
- Open an empty project by selecting NEW from the FILE menu.
- Enter the OPTIONS - DIRECTORIES dialog box.
- Change the first four directory entries (Data, 3rd Party Data, Report/Export, and KBG Work Files) to locations for which you have read/write access.
For example, if your logon user name is JohnSmith, the following path may be suitable:
c:\Users\JohnSmith\Documents\Columbus 3.8
c:\Users\JohnSmith\MyDocuments\Columbus 3.8
This is necessary because certain processing operations will stop unexpectedly (with an error message) if COLUMBUS is unable to write into these directories. Be sure to use similar directory settings for each Option Set you create in COLUMBUS.
COLUMBUS also creates the file COLUMBUS.optlib in the installation folder. Windows 7, Vista will probably create it in this folder:
c:\Users\Local\Virtual Store\Program Files\Best-Fit Computing\Columbus 3.8
c:\Users\JohnSmith\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Best-Fit Computing\COLUMBUS 3.8
The folder AppData may be hidden.
2. Using the COLUMBUS Help System
In order to use the COLUMBUS Help System, you must download the Windows Help (WinHlp32.exe) program file from the Microsoft Web site. This is because WinHlp32.exe program is no longer included in Windows operating systems starting with Windows 7, Vista.
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