Best-Fit Computing - COLUMBUS Network Adjustment Software

File Conversion Tools

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TDS .rw5 and .raw File Conversion Tool

COLUMBUS supports extraction of station and observation data (GPS and conventional) from TDS .rw5 and .raw files. Check back often as we add additional support for this file type.

Supported record and field types

    AH, AP, BD, BK, BL, BP, BR, CV, DE, FD, FR, GR, GS, JB, LS, MO, OB, OC, RP, SP, SS, TR


  1. Download and run the Tool.
  2. Select an RW5 or RAW file to convert.
  3. Enter the output file name.
  4. Click the Convert Data button.
  5. Load the converted file into COLUMBUS.
It's as simple as that!

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NGS Bluebook File Conversion Tool

Most GPS post-processing applications can export GPS baselines in the National Geodetic Survey (NGS) Bluebook G-File or B-File formats.

Now quickly and easily convert these files into COLUMBUS-compatible ASCII Text files with the NGS Bluebook File Conversion Tool!


  • Supports the extraction of these observation types found in the 'B' and 'G' files:

    • GPS Baselines, azimuths, directions, horizontal angles, zenith angles, chord (slope) distances, taped horizontal distances, geodesic distances, and height difference observations.

  • Complete list of records supported (by record number code):

    • B-File records: 13, 20, 22, 30, 32, 40, 42, 45, 50 (type T, H, S), 51 (type S), 52 (type E, X), 53 (type S), 54 (type E, X), 60, 61, 80, 85, 86.

    • G-File records: B, C, D, E, F, G.


  1. Download and run the Tool.
  2. Optionally select NGS Bluebook SERFIL file.
  3. Optionally select the NGS Bluebook B-File.
  4. Optionally select the NGS Bluebook G-File.
  5. Enter the output file name.
  6. Click the Convert Data button.
  7. Load the converted file into COLUMBUS.
It's as simple as that!

Note: Requires COLUMBUS Version 3.0 or later. For upgrade information and pricing, contact

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Nikon Raw Data File Conversion Tool

Nikon Raw Data File Conversion Tool quickly and easily converts a Nikon raw data file into a COLUMBUS-compatible ASCII Text file. You specify the linear and angular units of the data in the file, the standard deviations to assign to each observation type, the raw file name, and the name of the COLUMBUS compatible input file to generate.

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Topcon XML File Conversion Tool

COLUMBUS now supports extraction of station and observation data from Topcon XML files. Check back often as we add additional support for this file type.

Elements supported

    Vector (gps dX, dY, dZ), Station, Observation (horizontal angle, zenith angle, slope distance)


  1. Download and run the Tool.
  2. Select a Topcon XML file to convert.
  3. Enter the output Columbus file name.
  4. Click the Convert Data button.
  5. Load the converted file into COLUMBUS.

Download the Free Topcon XML File Conversion Tool
Version - Approx. 280K

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Leica SKI File Conversion Tool

Extracts Data/Time records from Leica SKI files and inserts them into the description field for each terrestrial observation set or GPS baseline. When you select your network observations in the Network | Observation dialog, you will be able to see the description code for each observation chosen.

Download the Free Leica SKI File Conversion Tool
Version - Approx. 180K

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GeoLab IOB File Conversion Tool

COLUMBUS now supports extraction of Station and GPS baseline data from GeoLab IOB files. Check back often as we add additional support for this file type.

Records supported



  1. Download and run the Tool.
  2. Select an IOB file to convert.
  3. Enter the output file name.
  4. Click the Convert Data button.
  5. Load the converted file into COLUMBUS.
It's as simple as that!

Download the Free GeoLab IOB File Conversion Tool
Version - Approx. 176K

Network Adjustment and Coordinate Transformation
Software Solutions • Since 1990 • Ph 503-531-8819
Copyright © 1995-2011 • Best-Fit Computing, Inc. All rights reserved.