COLUMBUS is a one-, two-, and three-dimensional least squares geodetic network design, adjustment and coordinate transformation software package which allows you to create, edit, solve and analyze 1D, 2D and 3D surveys anywhere in the world.
With the increasing use of GPS as a surveying tool, geodesy is becoming the method of choice for processing field measurements. The advantages are many:
- Processing using geodetic mathematics eliminates distortion of your original field observations. This results in more accurate surveys using the same field procedures. And since geodetic observations are not subject to the types of distortions found in 2D and 3D local plane or projected surveys, error analysis is more reflective of what was measured in the field, making poor quality observations easier to isolate and correct.
- Surveys adjusted in geodetic space result in direct geodetic coordinates (latitude, longitude and height). These coordinates can be readily transformed to a variety of 2D projected coordinate systems.
- For 1D vertical and 3D geodetic networks, elevations for each survey point can often be determined with high accuracy using terrestrial and/or GPS measurements.
- Surveyors no longer have to make corrections to their data due to convergency of meridians or curvature of the earth. The geodetic model does not attempt to fit field measurements to a flat or projected surface.
- The geodetic model allows you to combine field observations of nearly any type into one survey. GPS observables can be used within open terrain, while terrestrial observations can be measured in open terrain or areas with limited satellite visibility.
- Using the underlying geodetic model, adjustments based on State Plane, UTM, TM, Custom Projections and Local Horizon Planes are also supported.
Whether you are establishing high accuracy control surveys or using recorded field data to develop GIS systems, the best mathematical model to process your data is the geodetic model. COLUMBUS gives you all the tools you need to utilize your existing field procedures for generating the best coordinate positions possible.
Download the free COLUMBUS demo now.
Network Adjustment and Coordinate Transformation Software Solutions Since 1990
info@bestfit.com Ph 503-531-8819
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