Quick Tips for Using COLUMBUS
Import Coordinates
Import geodetic coordinates created using Google Earth
Importing geodetic coordinates from Google Earth 'kml' files is easy. After creating points in Google Earth using pin cushions or polygons, do the following:
- From Google Earth, save the data to a 'kml' file.
- Start COLUMBUS, create a new project, then enter the Options - Datums dialog and changed the active datum to WGS 84.
- From the File menu, select the Import - Google Earth 'kml' Files command.
- Select one or more 'kml' files created in step 1 to import the WGS 84 geodetic coordinates.
You can import additional geodetic coordinates into this project (from 'kml' files) as needed by following step 3 and 4 above.
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Import Trimble Data Exchange (.ASC) Files
Importing Trimble Data Exchange data is easy.
- Start COLUMBUS, create a new project, then enter the Options - Datums dialog and changed the active datum to that required for your project.
- If the Trimble Data Exchange file(s) contain Laser Observations, enter the Options - Network Options - Default Obs SD's dialog and set up the Standard Deviation for each laser observation type. Laser observation standard deviations are not provided in the Trimble Data Exchange file.
- From the File menu, select the Import - Trimble Geo Office 'ASC' command.
- Select one or more 'asc' files to import.
You can always import additional data (into the project) by selecting any of the applicable File - Import choices.
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Importing coordinate data from a comma-delimited text files
Coordinate data can be easily imported from comma-delimited text files. Using the Import option, you can specify the coordinate fields to import (for example, lat, long, elev, State Plane north, and so on).
Assuming you have coordinates in a data file, follow these steps to import them:
- From the Options menu, select Units and select the linear and angular units of the coordinate data you are about to import.
- Click OK.
- From the Options menu, select Import File Setup | User Defined and establish the order of station coordinate components to import.
For example, if you have several State Plane coordinates in your file in the order "Station Name,North,East", you would create a list in the order: Station Name, State Plane North, State Plane East.
- Set the delimiter to the comma character (",").
- Click OK.
- From the File menu, select Import - Coordinate Files. Select your file and COLUMBUS will load the file data into the current project.
- After loading the file, save the document to a COLUMBUS ASCII (Text) file for future loading.
Network Adjustment and Coordinate Transformation Software Solutions Since 1990
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