Best-Fit Computing - COLUMBUS Network Adjustment Software

Canada HT2_0 Geoidal Model

Support for the Canadian HT2_0 Geoidal Model is available with COLUMBUS. Using this model, you can determine the geoidal height for positions throughout Canada.

Download Canada HT2_0 Geoid

This grid file is delivered in U.S. BIN format. The format is essentially the same as many NGS (National Geodetic Survey) geoids.

The HT2_0 Geoid Model is a product of the Geodetic Survey Division (GSD) of Natural Resources Canada.

HTv2_0 transformation allows GPS users to transform GPS ellipsoidal heights to orthometric heights compatible to CGVD28. The reference system is NAD83 (CSRS98). The height transformation values represent the separarion between the reference ellipsoid of GRS80 and the vertical datum (CGVD28).

Range of coverage:
Latitude: 41N thru 84N.
Longitude: 48W thru 142W.

In areas where there is no coverage (e.g., non land areas), 9999.0 is returned as the geoidal height.

Network Adjustment and Coordinate Transformation
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