Begin Processing... Create Station Enabled - YES... Connectivity Test Origin - '1'... Reorder Stations... Compute Degrees Of Freedom... Compute Approximate Coordinates... Iteration Num: 1 Get Original Observations... Apply Default SD's... Apply Centering and PPM Corrections... Apply Obs SD Scalars... Apply Distance Scalars... Convert 3D Observations to 2D Observations... Compute Q Matrix... Compute W Matrix... Compute B Matrix... Compute F Matrix... Compute Bt * W Matrix... Compute N Matrix... Compute RHS Matrix... Factor N Matrix... Compute Coordinate Corrections... Iteration Num: 2 Get Original Observations... Apply Default SD's... Apply Centering and PPM Corrections... Apply Obs SD Scalars... Apply Distance Scalars... Convert 3D Observations to 2D Observations... Compute Q Matrix... Compute W Matrix... Compute B Matrix... Compute F Matrix... Compute Bt * W Matrix... Compute N Matrix... Compute RHS Matrix... Factor N Matrix... Compute Coordinate Corrections... Solution Converged... Compute Residuals... Compute Aposteriori Variances... Compute N Inverse Matrix... Compute Observation Statistics... Compute Distance Errors... Compute Station Error Ellipses... Compute Relative Error Ellipses... Compute ALTA Confidence... Compute Coordinate Inverses... Adjustment Completed... COLUMBUS 1D, 2D AND 3D NETWORK ADJUSTMENT SOFTWARE DATE: 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM NETWORK ADJUSTMENT SUMMARY Adjust Type 2D Lat, Lon Adjust Height Type Use Known Ortho Hgt For Each Station Approx GHgt Used 0.0000000 Datum NAD 83 Major 6378137.00000 1/f 298.257222101 1D Expansion Factor 1.95937 Linear Units Meters 2D Expansion Factor 2.44788 Angular Units DMS 3D Expansion Factor 2.79532 Field Observations 14 A Priori Variance 1.00000 Coord Observations 0 A Posteriori Variance 0.04855 TOTAL OBSERVATIONS 14 Confidence Level 95.0 Chi Square Test On Variance Factor Num Stations 6 0.017 < 1.0 < 0.400 (Fails) Fixed In Lat/North 1 Variance Factor Used 0.04855 Fixed In Lon/East 1 Fixed In Hgt 6 No Check Observations 0 Float Coord Parms 10 Stan Res Rejections 0 ( Tau Stat = 1.956 ) Direction Parms 0 GPS Scale Parms 0 GPS Rot North Parms 0 TOTAL OUTLIERS 0 GPS Rot East Parms 0 GPS Rot Up Parms 0 Iterations 2 TOTAL PARMS 10 Convergence Criteria 0.0010000 Zenith Angle Refraction 0.00000 Rotate Bearings No DEGREES OF FREEDOM 4 Use Full GPS Covariance Yes A-POSTERIORI VARIANCE (and STAN DEV) FACTOR (by observation type) Obs Type Count Sum of Squared Redundancy A-Post A-Post Weighted Residuals (D.F.) Variance StanDev Bearing 7 0.028 0.354 0.078 0.279 Horiz Dist 7 0.167 3.646 0.046 0.214 TOTALS 14 0.194 4.000 0.049 0.220 Obs SD's That Were Set To Default 0 Obs SD's That Received PPM Correction 0 Obs SD's That Received Centering Correction 0 Obs SD's That Were Scaled 0 Obs That Were Scaled 0 Obs That Received Refraction Correction 0 Obs That Received Mark-To-Mark Correction 0 Obs That Received Deflection Correction 0 ADJUSTED GEODETIC COORDINATES Station Latitude SD Longitude SD Ortho Hgt SD 1 N 44-26-20.600000 0.00000 W 105-04-57.900000 0.00000 2000.00000 0.00000 NEH 10 N 44-26-46.540547 0.03261 W 105-05-34.045039 0.02792 1700.00000 0.00000 H 2 N 44-26-46.836689 0.03252 W 105-04-57.644496 0.01265 1940.00000 0.00000 H 3 N 44-27-13.071820 0.04521 W 105-04-57.389027 0.01768 2200.00000 0.00000 H 92 N 44-26-20.281678 0.01258 W 105-05-34.080773 0.02857 1736.00000 0.00000 H 98 N 44-27-12.795470 0.04522 W 105-05-34.011031 0.02900 1922.00000 0.00000 H N - fixed Lat, E - fixed Lon, H - fixed Hgt ADJUSTED GEODETIC COORDINATES Station Covariance Matrix 1 F Latitude N 44-26-20.600000 0.0000000000 F Longitude W 105-04-57.900000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 F Ortho Hgt 2000.00000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 10 Latitude N 44-26-46.540547 0.0010633870 Longitude W 105-05-34.045039 0.0000118539 0.0007795380 F Ortho Hgt 1700.00000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 2 Latitude N 44-26-46.836689 0.0010572271 Longitude W 105-04-57.644496 0.0000072187 0.0001601137 F Ortho Hgt 1940.00000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 3 Latitude N 44-27-13.071820 0.0020443661 Longitude W 105-04-57.389027 0.0000136550 0.0003124407 F Ortho Hgt 2200.00000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 92 Latitude N 44-26-20.281678 0.0001582567 Longitude W 105-05-34.080773 0.0000094485 0.0008165274 F Ortho Hgt 1736.00000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 98 Latitude N 44-27-12.795470 0.0020445210 Longitude W 105-05-34.011031 0.0000141211 0.0008412279 F Ortho Hgt 1922.00000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 F - fixed Component ADJUSTED GRID COORDINATES Zone: WYOMING,E,4901,TM Parm: CM=-105.1, CP=40.3, SF=0.9999375, FE=200000., FN=0. dms/m Station North SD East SD Ortho Hgt SD 1 437536.02553 0.00000 206680.38662 0.00000 2000.00000 0.00000 NEH 10 438335.90951 0.03260 205880.38262 0.02791 1700.00000 0.00000 H 2 438345.82634 0.03250 206685.20545 0.01265 1940.00000 0.00000 H 3 439155.58009 0.04520 206690.02207 0.01767 2200.00000 0.00000 H 92 437525.42921 0.01258 205880.32413 0.02857 1736.00000 0.00000 H 98 439146.26901 0.04520 205880.40275 0.02899 1922.00000 0.00000 H N - fixed North, E - fixed East, H - fixed Hgt Station Grid SF Height SF Combined SF Map Angle 1 0.9999380486 0.9996865047 0.9996245728 0-03-31.515 10 0.9999379251 0.9997335167 0.9996714584 0-03-06.232 2 0.9999380494 0.9996959070 0.9996339752 0-03-31.722 3 0.9999380502 0.9996551666 0.9995932382 0-03-31.928 92 0.9999379251 0.9997278748 0.9996658168 0-03-06.183 98 0.9999379251 0.9996987279 0.9996366717 0-03-06.280 ADJUSTED OBSERVATIONS (MARK TO MARK) Bearing Observations Obs SD Resid ResidSD StdRes Redun AT 1 TO 2 Measured NE 0-24-00.000 15.000 Adjusted NE 0-23-58.919 3.221 -1.081 0.740 -1.461 0.05 AT 1 TO 92 Measured SW 89-18-00.000 15.000 Adjusted SW 89-17-59.827 3.241 -0.173 0.650 -0.267 0.04 AT 10 TO 98 Measured NE 0-03-10.000 15.000 Adjusted NE 0-03-11.367 3.221 1.367 0.740 1.847 0.05 AT 2 TO 10 Measured SW 89-21-10.000 15.000 Adjusted SW 89-21-10.303 3.178 0.303 0.906 0.335 0.08 AT 2 TO 3 Measured NE 0-24-00.000 15.000 Adjusted NE 0-23-58.634 3.221 -1.366 0.740 -1.845 0.05 AT 3 TO 98 Measured SW 89-24-00.000 15.000 Adjusted SW 89-23-59.868 3.239 -0.132 0.658 -0.200 0.04 AT 92 TO 10 Measured NE 0-03-20.000 15.000 Adjusted NE 0-03-21.081 3.221 1.081 0.741 1.460 0.05 Horiz Dist Observations Obs SD Resid ResidSD StdRes Redun AT 1 TO 2 Measured 810.10500 0.20120 Adjusted 810.11209 0.03252 0.00709 0.03013 0.235 0.46 AT 1 TO 92 Measured 800.44910 0.20120 Adjusted 800.39972 0.02858 -0.04938 0.03389 -1.457 0.58 AT 10 TO 98 Measured 810.64770 0.20110 Adjusted 810.65445 0.03252 0.00675 0.03009 0.224 0.46 AT 2 TO 10 Measured 805.16130 0.20110 Adjusted 805.14803 0.02694 -0.01327 0.03518 -0.377 0.63 AT 2 TO 3 Measured 810.10520 0.20120 Adjusted 810.09807 0.03253 -0.00713 0.03012 -0.237 0.46 AT 3 TO 98 Measured 809.90400 0.20120 Adjusted 809.96667 0.02858 0.06267 0.03389 1.849 0.58 AT 92 TO 10 Measured 810.75440 0.20110 Adjusted 810.74703 0.03251 -0.00737 0.03011 -0.245 0.46 ADJUSTED GRID INVERSES Zone: WYOMING,E,4901,TM Parm: CM=-105.1, CP=40.3, SF=0.9999375, FE=200000., FN=0. dms/m AT TO Grid Az Geo Az Map Ang (t-T) GridDist EllipDist GrndDist 1 2 0-20-27.39 0-23-58.92 0-03-31.52 -0.01 809.81515 809.86532 810.11591 1 92 269-14-28.31 269-17-59.83 0-03-31.52 0.00 800.13266 800.18228 800.41625 10 98 0-00-05.12 0-03-11.37 0-03-06.23 -0.01 810.35950 810.40981 810.64033 2 10 269-17-38.58 269-21-10.31 0-03-31.72 0.00 804.88392 804.93384 805.16315 2 3 0-20-26.90 0-23-58.64 0-03-31.72 -0.01 809.76808 809.81824 810.08154 3 98 269-20-27.94 269-23-59.87 0-03-31.93 0.00 809.67286 809.72307 809.98429 92 10 0-00-14.89 0-03-21.08 0-03-06.18 -0.01 810.48030 810.53061 810.74932 ADJUSTED ALTA UNCERTAINTIES Confidence level: 0.950 Chi Square 2D: 2.448 Allow Uncertainty: 0.0213 + 50 PPM Horiz Distance: Mean Horizontal Ground Distance ***** RESULTS ARE BASED ON SEMI-MAJOR AXIS OF RELATIVE ERROR ELLIPSE ***** Failed tests Appear At Top Of The Report (if ratio > 1.0) AT TO Horiz Dist Semi-Major Allowed Ratio 2 3 810.0815 0.0796 0.0618 1.2875 1 2 810.1159 0.0796 0.0618 1.2870 10 98 810.6403 0.0796 0.0619 1.2868 92 10 810.7493 0.0796 0.0619 1.2862 1 92 800.4163 0.0700 0.0614 1.1400 3 98 809.9843 0.0700 0.0618 1.1312 2 10 805.1631 0.0659 0.0616 1.0706 ADJUSTED DISTANCE ERRORS Confidence level: 0.950 Chi Square 1D: 1.959 AT TO Distance Stan Dev PPM Ratio 1 2 812.3348 0.0635 78.2147 1:12785 1 92 842.8299 0.0532 63.0917 1:15850 10 98 840.4890 0.0615 73.1289 1:13674 2 10 840.1712 0.0506 60.2098 1:16609 2 3 850.7832 0.0607 71.3302 1:14019 3 98 856.3636 0.0530 61.8423 1:16170 92 10 811.5482 0.0636 78.4169 1:12752 ADJUSTED STATION 2D ERROR ELLIPSE Confidence level: 0.950 Chi Square 1D: 1.959 Chi Square 2D: 2.448 AT Semi-Major Semi-Minor Azimuth Height 1 0.0000 0.0000 0.0 0.0000 10 0.0798 0.0683 2.2 0.0000 2 0.0796 0.0310 0.3 0.0000 3 0.1107 0.0433 0.3 0.0000 92 0.0700 0.0308 89.1 0.0000 98 0.1107 0.0710 0.4 0.0000 ADJUSTED RELATIVE 2D ERROR ELLIPSE Confidence level: 0.950 Chi Square 1D: 1.959 Chi Square 2D: 2.448 AT TO Semi-Major Semi-Minor Azimuth Height Chord PPM Ratio 1 2 0.0796 0.0310 0.3 0.0000 812.3348 97.9832 1:10206 1 92 0.0700 0.0308 89.1 0.0000 842.8299 82.9988 1:12048 10 98 0.0796 0.0310 0.1 0.0000 840.4890 94.7257 1:10557 2 10 0.0659 0.0304 89.1 0.0000 840.1712 78.4923 1:12740 2 3 0.0796 0.0310 0.3 0.0000 850.7832 93.5920 1:10685 3 98 0.0700 0.0311 89.2 0.0000 856.3636 81.6850 1:12242 92 10 0.0796 0.0310 0.1 0.0000 811.5482 98.0647 1:10197