Begin Processing... Create Station Enabled - YES... >> Missing station 'Temp1' - will create... >> Missing station 'BB' - will create... >> Missing station 'Temp2' - will create... >> Missing station 'CC' - will create... >> Missing station 'Temp3' - will create... >> Missing station 'DD' - will create... >> Missing station 'Temp4' - will create... Connectivity Test Origin - 'AA'... Reorder Stations... Compute Degrees Of Freedom... Iteration Num: 1 Get Original Observations... Apply Default SD's... Apply Centering and PPM Corrections... Apply Obs SD Scalars... Apply Distance Scalars... Apply Refraction Corrections... Convert 3D Observations to 1D Observations... >> Converted Zenith and Chord to Height Diff (corrected for curvature) for 1D Adjustment. AT = 'Temp1', TO = 'AA' >> Zenith = 85.4930000, Chord = 1100.1000000 >> Height Difference = 80.1193769 >> Converted Zenith and Chord to Height Diff (corrected for curvature) for 1D Adjustment. AT = 'Temp1', TO = 'BB' >> Zenith = 87.1000000, Chord = 1200.3000000 >> Height Difference = 59.3661821 >> Converted Zenith and Chord to Height Diff (corrected for curvature) for 1D Adjustment. AT = 'Temp2', TO = 'BB' >> Zenith = 86.3015000, Chord = 825.2000000 >> Height Difference = 50.3335668 >> Converted Zenith and Chord to Height Diff (corrected for curvature) for 1D Adjustment. AT = 'Temp2', TO = 'CC' >> Zenith = 87.4217000, Chord = 965.1500000 >> Height Difference = 38.6759396 >> Converted Zenith and Chord to Height Diff (corrected for curvature) for 1D Adjustment. AT = 'Temp3', TO = 'CC' >> Zenith = 91.0030000, Chord = 500.1000000 >> Height Difference = -8.7946998 >> Converted Zenith and Chord to Height Diff (corrected for curvature) for 1D Adjustment. AT = 'Temp3', TO = 'DD' >> Zenith = 93.4320000, Chord = 400.1000000 >> Height Difference = -25.9704214 >> Converted Zenith and Chord to Height Diff (corrected for curvature) for 1D Adjustment. AT = 'Temp4', TO = 'AA' >> Zenith = 79.3100000, Chord = 304.2500000 >> Height Difference = 55.3602742 >> Converted Zenith and Chord to Height Diff (corrected for curvature) for 1D Adjustment. AT = 'Temp4', TO = 'DD' >> Zenith = 89.3030000, Chord = 650.1000000 >> Height Difference = 5.5886688 Compute Q Matrix... Compute W Matrix... Compute B Matrix... Compute F Matrix... Compute Bt * W Matrix... Compute N Matrix... Compute RHS Matrix... Factor N Matrix... Compute Coordinate Corrections... Solution Converged... Compute Residuals... Compute Aposteriori Variances... Compute N Inverse Matrix... Compute Observation Statistics... Compute Station Height Errors... Compute Relative Height Errors... Compute Coordinate Inverses... Adjustment Completed... COLUMBUS 1D, 2D AND 3D NETWORK ADJUSTMENT SOFTWARE DATE: 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM NETWORK ADJUSTMENT SUMMARY Adjust Type 1D Hgt (leveling) Standard Deviation Weighted Adjust Height Type Orthometric Datum NAD 83 Major 6378137.00000 1/f 298.257222101 1D Expansion Factor 1.95937 Linear Units U.S. Feet 2D Expansion Factor 2.44788 Angular Units DMS 3D Expansion Factor 2.79532 Field Observations 8 A Priori Variance 1.00000 Coord Observations 0 A Posteriori Variance 31.16430 TOTAL OBSERVATIONS 8 Confidence Level 95.0 Chi Square Test On Variance Factor Num Stations 8 6.197 < 1.0 < 31881.105 (Fails) Fixed In Lat/North 8 Variance Factor Used 31.16430 Fixed In Lon/East 8 Fixed In Hgt 1 No Check Observations 0 Float Coord Parms 7 Stan Res Rejections 0 ( User Defined = 1.250 ) Direction Parms 0 GPS Scale Parms 0 GPS Rot North Parms 0 TOTAL OUTLIERS 0 GPS Rot East Parms 0 GPS Rot Up Parms 0 Iterations 1 TOTAL PARMS 7 Convergence Criteria 0.0001000 Zenith Angle Refraction 0.00000 Rotate Bearings No DEGREES OF FREEDOM 1 Use Full GPS Covariance Yes A-POSTERIORI VARIANCE (and STAN DEV) FACTOR (by observation type) Obs Type Count Sum of Squared Redundancy A-Post A-Post Weighted Residuals (D.F.) Variance StanDev Height Diff 8 31.164 1.000 31.164 5.582 TOTALS 8 31.164 1.000 31.164 5.582 Obs SD's That Were Set To Default 0 Obs SD's That Received PPM Correction 0 Obs SD's That Received Centering Correction 0 Obs SD's That Were Scaled 0 Obs That Were Scaled 0 Obs That Received Refraction Correction 0 Obs That Received Mark-To-Mark Correction 0 Obs That Received Deflection Correction 0 ADJUSTED HEIGHTS Station Ortho Hgt SD AA 170.00000 0.00000 H BB 149.15259 0.09252 CC 137.43758 0.07122 DD 120.24720 0.05591 Temp1 89.83765 0.07814 Temp2 98.79480 0.08883 Temp3 146.22337 0.06277 Temp4 114.64347 0.02606 H - fixed Hgt ADJUSTED OBSERVATIONS (MARK TO MARK) Height Diff Observations Obs SD Resid ResidSD StdRes Redun AT Temp1 TO AA Measured 80.11938 0.01597 Adjusted 80.16235 0.07814 0.04297 0.04297 1.000 0.23 AT Temp1 TO BB Measured 59.36618 0.01744 Adjusted 59.31494 0.08281 -0.05124 0.05124 -1.000 0.28 AT Temp2 TO BB Measured 50.33357 0.01200 Adjusted 50.35780 0.06243 0.02423 0.02423 1.000 0.13 AT Temp2 TO CC Measured 38.67594 0.01403 Adjusted 38.64278 0.07097 -0.03316 0.03316 -1.000 0.18 AT Temp3 TO CC Measured -8.79470 0.00727 Adjusted -8.78579 0.03962 0.00891 0.00891 1.000 0.05 AT Temp3 TO DD Measured -25.97042 0.00584 Adjusted -25.97617 0.03211 -0.00575 0.00575 -1.000 0.03 AT Temp4 TO AA Measured 55.36027 0.00472 Adjusted 55.35653 0.02606 -0.00375 0.00375 -1.000 0.02 AT Temp4 TO DD Measured 5.58867 0.00946 Adjusted 5.60372 0.05059 0.01506 0.01506 1.000 0.08 ADJUSTED STATION HEIGHT ERRORS Confidence level: 0.950 Chi Square 1D: 1.959 AT TO Height Error AA NA 0.00000 BB NA 0.18127 CC NA 0.13955 DD NA 0.10955 Temp1 NA 0.15311 Temp2 NA 0.17405 Temp3 NA 0.12300 Temp4 NA 0.05106 ADJUSTED RELATIVE STATION HEIGHT ERRORS Confidence level: 0.950 Chi Square 1D: 1.959 AT TO Height Error Temp1 AA 0.15311 Temp1 BB 0.16225 Temp2 BB 0.12231 Temp2 CC 0.13906 Temp3 CC 0.07763 Temp3 DD 0.06291 Temp4 AA 0.05106 Temp4 DD 0.09913