! Define datum ! Datum is used to correct for curvature corrections, mark to mark reductions, etc. ! Datum Name; Semi-Major Axis; 1.0 / Flattening _DATUM; NAD 83; 6378137.000000; 298.257222101 ! Define the Units used in this file ! M - meters, U - US Feet, I - International Feet, C - Chains ! D - DMS, DD - Decimal Degrees, G - Grads (Gons), ! Note: Lat and Lon must always be in DMS format (e.g., 100-30-40.1234 is entered as 100.30401234) _UNITS; U; D ! Station to be fixed in 1D. Use _HGT_FIX line for each fixed station _HGT_FIX; AA ! Indicates the type of adjustment _ADJUST_1D_HGT ! Define if unknown stations (referenced by observations) should be created at Adjust Time. ! Unknown stations are those not defined in the _STA_COORD record (see below). _ADJUST_CREATE_MISSING_STATION ! Confidence level for reporting - 95% _ADJUST_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL; 0.95 ! Approximate latitude for curvature corrections, mark to mark reductions, etc. _ADJUST_APPROX_LAT_LON; 45.0; -120.0 ! Use custom outlier detection threshold for standardized residuals (disable tau-stat generated threshold) _ADJUST_STANRES_THRESHOLD; 1.25 ! Define all or simply the known station coordinates here (use _ADJUST_CREATE_MISSING_STATION when not defining all stations) ! Name; Lat; Lon; OrthoHgt; EllipHgt; North; East; NorthSD; EastSD; HgtSD; CorrNE; CorrNH; CorrEH; DeflNS; DeflEW _STA_COORD; AA; 0; 0; 170.0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0.02; 0; 0; 0; 0; 0 ! Use these SD's for Zenith and Chords. Ignore the SD's defined in the _OBS_AZ_SET records below ! Zen SD in angular second units. Chord SD in linear units. _G_ZEN_SD; 3.0 _G_CHORD_SD; 0.010 ! Observations ! AT Name; TO Name; Az; Az SD; Zen; Zen SD; Chord; Chord SD; Instr Hgt; Targ Hgt _OBS_AZ_SET; Temp1; AA; NOOBS; NOOBS; 85.4930; 5.0; 1100.10; 0.015; 0; 0 _OBS_AZ_SET; Temp1; BB; NOOBS; NOOBS; 87.1000; 5.0; 1200.30; 0.015; 0; 0 _OBS_AZ_SET; Temp2; BB; NOOBS; NOOBS; 86.3015; 5.0; 825.20; 0.015; 0; 0 _OBS_AZ_SET; Temp2; CC; NOOBS; NOOBS; 87.4217; 5.0; 965.15; 0.015; 0; 0 _OBS_AZ_SET; Temp3; CC; NOOBS; NOOBS; 91.0030; 5.0; 500.10; 0.015; 0; 0 _OBS_AZ_SET; Temp3; DD; NOOBS; NOOBS; 93.4320; 5.0; 400.10; 0.015; 0; 0 _OBS_AZ_SET; Temp4; DD; NOOBS; NOOBS; 89.3030; 5.0; 650.10; 0.015; 0; 0 _OBS_AZ_SET; Temp4; AA; NOOBS; NOOBS; 79.3100; 5.0; 304.25; 0.015; 0; 0