! Columbus supports keywords that allow you to define distance PPM errors. Once a PPM error has ! been defined, it will apply to all applicable observations that follow in the file. You can ! turn off the PPM setting at any time by setting it back to zero. ! Example: ! Establish PPM errors for Chord Distance observations that follow in the file. ! PPM (Parts Per Million) _PPM_CHORD; 7.0 ! Define some observations with chord distances _OBS_AZ_SET; A; D; 0.0; 0.001; 93.0; 25.0; 106.25; 0.05; 0; 0 _OBS_DIR_SET; FALLS; MINERS; 322.2940; 3.0; NOOBS; NOOBS; 1000.5; 0.0055; 1.5; 1.2; 1 _OBS_HA_SET; A; B; D; 90.0000; 20.0; 88.0000; 25.0; 93.7500; 0.050; 0; 0 _OBS_CHORD; 101; 102; 3780.260; 0.025; 0; 0 ! Now, turn Chord Distance PPM off or change it to another value for chord observations that follow. _PPM_CHORD; 0 ! Establish PPM errors for Chord Distance observations that follow in the file. ! PPM (Parts Per Million) _PPM_CHORD; 7.0 ! Establish PPM errors for Horizontal Distance observations that follow in the file. ! PPM (Parts Per Million) _PPM_HOR_DIST; 8.5 ! Establish PPM errors for Height Difference observations that follow in the file. ! PPM (Parts Per Million) _PPM_HGTDIFF; 3.2