! Columbus supports several keywords that are only applicable to the Adjust From File ! page. If present, these keywords are ignored when importing a Columbus file. ! All Adjust From File keywords begin with the text "_ADJUST_". ! ---------- _ADJUST_1D_HGT ! 1D vertical adjustment _ADJUST_2D_LOCAL ! 2D local north and east adjustment at mean or known height _ADJUST_2D_GRID ! 2D grid north and east adjustment at mean or known height _ADJUST_2D_LATLON ! 2D geodetic lat and lon adjustment at mean or known height _ADJUST_3D_LOCAL ! 3D local north, east, height adjustment (orthometric or ellipsoidal) _ADJUST_3D_GRID ! 3D grid north, east, height adjustment (orthometric or ellipsoidal) _ADJUST_3D_LATLONHGT ! 3D geodetic lat, lon, height adjustment (orthometric or ellipsoidal) ! You must declare one of these keywords in you file to indicate the type of adjustment ! to perform. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - NONE. A slection must be provided ! ---------- _ADJUST_CREATE_MISSING_STATION ! Use this keyword to automatically create stations (referenced by observations in the file) ! that have not been defined using the _STA_COORD keyword. This can be both a great convenience ! and a potential problem. ! Many users prefer to only identify control stations using the _STA_COORD record. After ! all, control station coordinate components need to be defined anyway. What happens, then, ! if you mistakenly reference a station CCc in one of your observations? If that station is ! not defined by a _STA_COORD record, it will be automatically created. In most cases this ! is what you want. However, if the correct station name is CCC, you could then end up with ! two station names representing the same location on the ground (CCC and CCc) - assuming ! some other observation that correctly references station CCC or CCC is defined using the _STA_COORD keyword. ! These stations only exist during the life of the adjustment. They are not added to your ! project without your permission (from within the UI Adjusted Coord grid using the Keep ! option). ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - OFF ! ---------- _ADJUST_USE_ELLIPHGT ! This keyword tells the network adjustment engine to use the ellipsoidal height field for ! applicable stations instead of the orthometric field. ! It applies to fixed height stations for 1D and 3D adjustments. It also applies when performing ! 2D adjustments based on an approximate or known height for each station. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - Use orthometric height ! ---------- _ADJUST_2D_KNOWN_HGT ! This is used when performing a 2D adjustment in which you can approximate the height of all ! stations in the project. ! Often, 2D adjustments are performed at some mean height for the project area (provided by ! the surveyor). However, if the terrain varies considerably in the project, it may be better ! to estimate the height of each station (using the _STA_COORD record) prior to adjustment. ! Estimating station heights to within 1 to 50 meters may produce better results than using one ! mean project height. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - Mean project height ! ---------- _ADJUST_MEAN_2DHGT; 2000 ! This is used when performing a 2D adjustment in which you want to use a project-wide average ! height to define the vertical. ! In the example above, the average project height is 2000.0 linear units (meters, U.S. feet, ! etc.), depending on the active linear unit when reading the file. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - 0.0 ! ---------- _ADJUST_APPROX_GHGT; 20.0 ! When performing an adjustment based on orthometric height (elevation), you should consider ! providing an approximate geoid height for the project area. The approximate geoid height ! is added to the orthometric height (for each station fixed in 1D or 3D) to obtain an ! approximate ellipsoid height. This will minimize distance scaling issues on medium to large ! projects. ! In the example above, the approximate geoid height is 20.0 linear units (meters, U.S. feet, ! etc.), depending on the active linear unit when reading the file. ! All adjustment computations in Columbus are based on an ellipsoidal height based model. ! Therefore, approximating ellipsoidal height will produce more accurate results. For projects ! covering a small area, this improvement may be negligible. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - 0.0 ! ---------- _ADJUST_APPROX_LAT_LON; 45.0; -120.0 ! The approximate latitude is used in 1D trigonometric and 2D/3D Local North, East, Elev (NEE) ! networks. It is used to correct for curvature and rotate average bearings to true azimuths. ! For these corrections, enter a latitude good to within a few minutes. ! The approximate longitude (and latitude) is required to convert 3D GPS vectors into ! a 2D Local Horizon north and east components for 2D adjustments. They are also required ! when using GPS in 3D Local NEE networks. ! Always enter latitude and longitude in DD.MMSSsss format. ! N 37-41-58.12345 is entered as 37.415812345 ! S 37-41-58.12345 is entered as -37.415812345 ! E 120-30-40.12345 is entered as 120.304012345 ! W 120-30-40.12345 is entered as -120.304012345 ! When using GPS vectors in 2D or 3D Local NEE networks, be sure to provide the best possible ! approx latitude and longitude, based on one of your 2D or 3D fixed stations. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - 45.0, -120.0 ! ---------- _ADJUST_MAX_ITER; 20 ! This keyword defines the maximum number of iterations to be performed during the nonlinear ! adjustment process. Ten is usually an adequate maximum for most projects. There is no penalty ! for making this number larger; it will just take longer for a diverging network to abort. ! Most well-defined networks converge within one to four iterations. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - 10 ! ---------- _ADJUST_CONVERGE_CRITERIA; 0.001 ! This is the convergence level that signals the adjustment is done. When the change in ! coordinates from the previous and current iteration differ by less than this value, the ! solution is said to have converged. ! In the example above, the convergence criteria is 0.001 linear units (meters, U.S. feet, ! etc.), depending on the active linear unit when reading the file. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - 0.001 meters ! ---------- _ADJUST_CONFIDENCE_LEVEL; 0.95 ! This is the confidence level upon which the statistics are based. The closer to 1.0, ! the greater the confidence intervals (or regions for 2D and 3D) must become. The most ! common setting is 0.95 (95% confidence). Standard deviations are based on a 68.3% ! confidence level (0.683). ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - 0.95 ! ---------- _ADJUST_STANRES_THRESHOLD; 2.5 ! Set this value to zero (the default) to use the Tau Statistic to evaluate whether the ! observation standardized residual is a possible outlier. Set to a non-zero value to ! directly control which observation standardized residuals will be flagged. ! In this example, the threshold is set to 2.5. If any observation standardized residual ! (its absolute value) is greater than 2.5, the observation will be flagged as a possible ! outlier. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - 0.0 ! ---------- _ADJUST_IGNORE_APOST_VARIANCE ! Include this keyword if you don't want statistical results to be based on the A Posteriori ! Variance Factor. In most cases, you will not want this keyword set. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - False ! ---------- _ADJUST_APRIORI_FACTOR; 2.2 ! Use this keyword to scale all observation variances prior to computing the weights (during ! network adjustment). The default is 1.0 when this keyword is not set. ! In this example, all observation variances will be scaled by 2.2 before adjustment. ! Observation variance (standard deviation squared) is used to weight each observation in ! an adjustment. Changing this value will not change the adjusted coordinates, because this ! value is applied to all observation variances equally. It will change the adjustment ! statistics if the keyword _ADJUST_IGNORE_APOST_VARIANCE is set. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - 1.0 ! ---------- _ADJUST_IGNORE_FULL_GPS_COVAR ! Use this keyword to turn off the usage of the full GPS vector covariance matrix (3x3 matrix). ! Only the diagonal elements will be used. ! Normally, you will not set this keyword. However, if you are comparing results against an ! adjustment where only the diagonal elements were used, then you should set this keyword to ! ensure the two adjustments are compatible. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - False ! ---------- _ADJUST_1D_WGT; 2 ! Use this keyword to specify the weight method for 1D Leveling networks using Height Difference ! observations. ! 0 - Weight the network by the number of setups between points ! 1 - Weight the network by the distance between points (in km, miles, etc.) ! 2 - Weight the network by each observation standard deviation ! The method you choose must be reflected in the Height Difference observation standard deviation ! field (the _OBS_HGTDIFF record). ! Examples: ! AT TO HgtDiff SD _OBS_HGTDIFF; AAA; BBB; 2.56916; ## ! If _ADJUST_1D_WGT is set to 0, replace ## with the number of setups from AAA to BBB (e.g., 5.0) ! If _ADJUST_1D_WGT is set to 1, replace ## with the approx distance from AAA to BBB (e.g., 37.0) ! It does not matter what units the distance are in. It's just a relative number, relative to all ! the other observation distances (the same is true with num setups - it's just a relative number). ! However, there is a maximum value that can be entered, so you may need to enter a value in terms ! of miles instead of U.S. feet or enter a value in kilometers instead of meters, etc. ! If _ADJUST_1D_WGT is set to 2, replace ## with the estimated standard deviation of the observation ! (e.g., 0.002 for 2 millimeters if the linear units are meters). ! Based on the selection above, the observation weight is then computed as follows: ! _ADJUST_1D_WGT = 0 or 1, weight = 1.0 / num setups or 1.0 / distance ! _ADJUST_1D_WGT = 2, weight = 1.0 / 0.002 squared or 1.0 / 0.000004 ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - 2, weight by standard deviation ! ---------- _ADJUST_GPS_SCALE ! Set this keyword to scale GPS vectors (if applicable) during adjustment to better ! fit the existing control in the project. Requires a minimum of two 2D control stations ! to perform scaling (or one 3D and one 2D, etc.). ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - False ! ---------- _ADJUST_GPS_ROT_N _ADJUST_GPS_ROT_E _ADJUST_GPS_ROT_U ! Set these keywords to rotate GPS vectors (if applicable) during adjustment to better ! fit the existing control in the project. Requires a minimum of three control stations ! fixed in height and two control stations fixed in 2D. ! Some possible ways to satisfy: ! 1) Three 1D stations fixed and two 2D stations fixed ! 2) Three 3D stations fixed ! 3) Two 3D stations fixed and one 1D station fixed ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - False ! ---------- _ADJUST_ALTA_FIXED; 0.02134 ! Set this keyword to alter the fixed component for ALTA testing. In this example we ! have set the new value to the built-in default value (in meters), where 0.02134 ! meters equals 0.07 U.S. feet. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - 0.02134 meters (or 0.07 U.S. feet) ! ---------- _ADJUST_ALTA_PPM; 50 ! Set this keyword to alter the ppm components for ALTA testing. In this example, we ! have set the new value to the built-in default value (50 parts per million). ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - 50 ! ---------- _ADJUST_ROT_AVG_BEAR_TO_AZ ! Set this value when you are using average bearings in your network. An average ! bearing is described as: ! Bearing from AAA --> BBB is NE 89.3040 (89-30-40) ! Bearing from BBB --> AAA is SW 89.3020 (89-30-30) ! Mean: NE 89.3035 ! Average bearings need to be rotated back to true bearings (or azimuths) during ! adjustment. When _ADJUST_ROT_AVG_BEAR_TO_AZ is set, all entered bearings are ! assumed to be average bearings, and they will automatically be rotated back to ! true bearings during adjustment. ! The rotation computation is based on the latitude of the project area. Be sure to ! set _ADJUST_APPROX_LAT_LON with a latitude approximation within several minutes of ! latitude. ! Public Land Survey System (PLSS) records are usually recorded with average ! bearing between corners. To incorporate these PLSS bearings in an adjustment ! (e.g., 2D), they should be rotated back to true bearings by enabling this ! keyword. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - False ! ---------- _ADJUST_GRID; COLORADO,S,0503,L2 ! Set this keyword to define the Grid Zone (State Plane Zone) to be used during ! adjustment in Geodetic or Grid networks. ! The zone name (i.e., COLORADO,S,0503,L2) and all zones Columubus supports can be ! found at http://www.bestfit.com/keywords/GridZones_Keywords.txt. ! DEFAULT IF NOT PROVIDED - COLORADO,S,0503,L2 ! ---------- ! Use these generic grid keywords to set up any of the following grid types: ! LAMBERT SINGLE PARALLEL GRID _ADJUST_GRID_L1_PARMS; SP; SF; CM; FE; FN ! LAMBERT TWIN PARALLEL GRID _ADJUST_GRID_L2_PARMS; SP1; SP2; CM; CP; FE; FN ! TRANSVERSE MERCATOR GRID _ADJUST_GRID_TM_PARMS; CM; SF; CP; FE; FN ! AZIMUTH EQUIDISTANT GRID _ADJUST_GRID_AE_PARMS; CM; CP; FE; FN ! Where: ! SP = Standard Parallel ! SP1 = First Standard Parallel ! SP2 = Second Standard Parallel ! CM = Central Meridian ! CP = Central Parallel ! SF = Scale Factor ! FE = False Easting ! FN = False Northing ! All latitude and longitudes must be entered in DD.MMSSsssss format: ! N 37-30-40.12345 is entered as 37.304012345. ! Northern latitudes are positive. Southern are negative. ! Eastern longitudes are positive. Western are negative. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! REPORT GENERATION ! If NO report generation flags (below) are defined in the input file, Columbus ! assumes you want to generate all reports. ! If ONE or more report generation flags are defined in the input file, Columbus ! will only generate those reports that have been defined. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_COORD_SD ! Report the adjusted coordinates and their standard deviations from the generated report. ! Applies to all networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_COORD_COVAR ! Report the adjusted coordinates and their covariance matrices from the generated report. ! Applies to geodetic networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_COORD_GRID ! Report the adjusted grid coordinates and their standard deviations from the generated report. ! Applies to grid and geodetic networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_OBS ! Report the adjusted observations from the generated report. ! Applies to all networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_OUTLIER_OBS ! Report the outlier observations (if any) from the generated report. ! Applies to all networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_NOCHECK_OBS ! Report the no check observations (if any) from the generated report. No check observations ! are those which have residuals of zero; in other words, they received no adjustment. These ! are usually associated with "fly-lined" or "sideshot" stations. ! Applies to all networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_GPS_RESID ! Report the GPS North, East, Up residuals from the generated report. GPS vector residuals ! (dx, dy, dz) are usually not helpful when looking for errors in a North, East, Up 3D ! coordinate system. ! Applies to 3D networks with GPS observations. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_GRIDINVERSE ! Report the Grid inverses from the generated report. ! Applies to 2D/3D Grid and Geodetic networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_GPSINVERSE ! Report the GPS inverses from the generated report. ! Applies to 3D Grid and Geodetic networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_ASTROINVERSE ! Report the Astro Geodetic inverses from the generated report. ! Applies to 3D networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_ALTA ! Report ALTA results from the generated report. ! Applies to 2D and 3D networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_DISTANCE_ERR ! Report Distance Error results from the generated report. ! Applies to 2D and 3D networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_HGT_ERR ! Report Height Error results from the generated report. ! Applies to 1D and 3D networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_REL_HGT_ERR ! Report Relative Height Error results (between station pairs) from the generated report. ! Applies to 1D and 3D networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_ELLIPSE ! Report Station Error Ellipse results from the generated report. ! Applies to 2D and 3D networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_REL_ELLIPSE ! Report Relative Error Ellipse results (between station pairs) from the generated report. ! Applies to 2D and 3D networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_ELLIPSOID ! Report Station Error Ellipsoid results from the generated report. ! Applies to 3D networks. ! ---------- _ADJUST_REPORT_REL_ELLIPSOID ! Report Relative Error Ellipsoid results (between station pairs) from the generated report. ! Applies to 3D networks.